Wednesday, October 30, 2019

See Attachment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

See Attachment - Essay Example Similarly, the teachers utilize the internet to supplement their lessons. In essence, the internet has benefited education by opening up a substantial amount of knowledge to a broader range of students. Advancement in technology will compel the institutions of higher learning to broaden internet course and change the credentialing structures. It is, therefore, important for schools to introduce free internet on Campus. Through the introduction of free internet in Campuses, students will be able to access online courses provided by different universities. Some students cannot afford tuition fees charged by universities; therefore, by introducing online classes needy students will be able to get  the  learning  using the school’s libraries. According to research 75% college students argue that university tuition is very expensive, and not everyone can afford it (Anderson et al n.d). It is, therefore, important for schools to introduce free internet and expand their online courses for such students. The introduction of free internet in campuses will also boost collaboration among students. The existence of online discussion among students will boost their cooperation, the refore by introducing free internet in schools all students will be able to participate in the discussions. The Internet has also broadened several sectors in US. Therefore, Campuses ought to introduce free internet as it will benefit students and country as a whole. Some of the sector that have improved include Libraries. Many libraries have adopted the use of the internet as they made it possible for students to access their collection of books online. Librarians also argue that the introduction of internet has made it possible for students to access information and it has also changed the way of doing research. Initially, students were required to go through the tiring process just to access books in the libraries

Monday, October 28, 2019

Writing an extended essay in economics Essay Example for Free

Writing an extended essay in economics Essay Approaching an extended essay in any subject area can be an intimidating prospect. However, like most large tasks, the essay is much more manageable if you take it one step at a time and rely on your advisor to lead you in productive directions. What makes for a good economics EE? You may want to look at some previous essays I have on file in my room to get an idea for the scope of topics that recent students have undertaken. There is a lot of variation, but successful ones are nearly always based on a central question that the author attempts to answer. Investigating this question will lead you to review the research of others, to synthesize others work in new ways, and to conduct theoretical or empirical research on your own. In its most basic form, your essay should be an argument, using tools of research and reasoning appropriate to the field of economics, in response to the central question you have chosen to investigate. Producing a good EE can be broken down into a series of stages, as outlined below. Each stage involves a substantial amount of work and, to some degree, must be completed before the following stages can proceed. Steady progress throughout the EE process is crucial to produce a successful essay. Students who achieve the benchmarks for progress set by their advisor are usually able to minimize the amount of stress arising as the final essay deadline approaches. Choosing a topic Selecting a good topic is the first step in a successful research project. You will be devoting considerable energy over an extended period to studying this topic, so it is important to choose an area in which your interest is likely to be sustained through the lengthy research and writing process. Within your area of interest, the most crucial issue is do-ability. A major cause of disappointment and frustration for students is choosing a topic on which it is difficult to make progress, either because the question is so large that they cannot manage it or because the question topic cannot be easily investigated using the tools that they command. While you are the best authority on your own areas of interest, you will have to rely on your advisor’s advice, to help you find a specific topic that you can complete on time with the resources that are available. Specific, focused topics are almost always better than highly general or vague ones. Questions like How can we reduce water pollution? or What determines the rate of technological progress? are so broad that an adequate answer could not fit into an extended essay. However, once you have a general topic, you will need to undertake research in order to narrow it down. Reviewing relevant literature All scholars in economics build on the shoulders of others. The first step of your thesis research is to search broadly and deeply to find out what others have discovered about your question. There are many resources available to help you with this search. Everything you read will contain citations to earlier work on related topics. SSRN, EBSCO and Questia, on-line libraries, are excellent resources for economics research. If you cast your net broadly at the beginning, and devote time to this part of the research process, you are more likely to acquire the theoretical background that is essential to conducting further research. As you begin reading for your EE, you should also begin writing. You will need to keep detailed notes on everything you read, including full bibliographic information in the appropriate format. (Be very sure that your notes distinguish between the authors words and your own. Plagiarism can arise inadvertently if you aren’t careful). Photocopy all passages you think you might want to quote and any tables that contain useful data. The notes you make as you read can be the basis of your â€Å"literature-review section†, which is an important part of any research essay. Collecting data If you are doing an EE that requires empirical data, and a good EE will, your biggest obstacle is likely to be assembling your data base. Since you cannot proceed with your analysis until your data are in place, the prompt completion of your data collection is of critical importance. Much of what you need is likely to be easily available through standard published or electronic sources. But there may be other data series for which you will have to search extensively and some you may not ever find there are almost always snags. The first step in data collection is to compile a wish list. You should consider the characteristics of the data that are most desirable for your study. List all of the variables that you think you might need. If you have doubts about the availability of some variables up front, formulate strategies for doing without them in case you cannot obtain them. Once you have your list, start collecting numbers and entering them into your computer data base. The earlier you organize your data into data tables, the better. Creating results Once you have reviewed the relevant literature and collected the data you need for any empirical work you plan to do, you are ready to get down to the central task of research: creating results. The way that you achieve these results depends entirely on the research methodology you and your advisor have chosen. It may involve theoretical reasoning using economic models, combining and/or comparing the results of others, interpreting numerical data, or conducting surveys/experiments. About all that can be said in general about the process of creating results is that some aspects of the results are very likely to surprise you. Solutions of theoretical models, and experimental outcomes usually do not end up exactly as you envisioned them at the beginning. If these results arrive just a few days before the draft of your essay is due, you are unlikely to have time to develop a satisfactory explanation for them or to conduct the additional research that would resolve them. At a bare minimum, you should plan to have all of your results generated two weeks before the first draft of your essay is due. This will give you at least a little time to reflect on and refine them in the completed essay. Finishing the Essay The last stage of preparing your EE draft is the formulation of your conclusions and the preparation of the draft itself. At this stage, you turn all the work have done into a coherent argument, starting with your central question, explaining how your work builds on that of others toward an answer, describing and interpreting your results, then summing everything up with your conclusions. The argument should flow naturally from a statement of the question to a discussion of the contribution of others to a description of your own research to your formulation of an answer. Each section should advance the argument, following from the previous piece and leading to the next one. If a section does not relate to the overall argument of your thesis, it should not be in the essay. It is advisable to leave a week or so before the first draft is due to reread the entire essay and make sure that the pieces fit together. At all stages of writing, you need to deal with issues of formatting. Make sure to include appropriate references and citations in a consistent format the minute you put pen to paper. Do not think that this is something you can do once you finish writing. Additionally, you will need to sequence the numbers of your sections, figures, and tables, produce a table of contents and write an abstract. Revisions Regardless of how good the first draft of your essay is, your advisor will have comments and suggestions for improvement. Arguments that seem clear to you may not be as readable to someone else. There may be flaws in empirical work or theoretical arguments that are not apparent until the entire EE is read in proper sequence. As soon as your advisor tells you that they have finished their reading, you should pick up your draft and read through their comments. You will need to meet with your advisor to discuss the essay and clarify what revisions are necessary. It is to your benefit to understand and fulfill the expectations about revisions since you will have only one chance to improve your essay. Adapted from: Useful links to further links/sources of economic information/data:

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Reaction Rate Investigation :: GCSE Chemistry Coursework Investigation

Reaction Rate Investigation Planning I am trying to work out the rate of reaction between marble chips (calcium carbonate) and Hydrochloric acid. This will be my plan of how to carry out my investigation. There are many factors, which I could change in this experiment. These are 1) Concentration. An increase in concentration means there are more particles. More particles means there will be more collisions. 2) Surface Area. Breaking the solid into smaller pieces will increase the surface area exposed to the other reactant. 3) Temperature. Increasing the temperature will cause the particles to move faster. When particles move faster, more collisions occur and the collisions are more violent. This should increase the reaction rate. All of these factors will affect the reaction rate, but I have decided to change the concentration of Hydrochloric acid. This will determine the rate of reaction by measuring the amount of Carbon Dioxide given off. As I will only change one factor, I will have to keep other factors constant. These will be: - 1) The temperature 2) The size of the marble chip 3) The same apparatus will be used throughout the experiment I predict that as the concentration of hydrochloric acid increases and it becomes more concentrated, the more Carbon Dioxide will be given off. As the concentration increases the chip will fizz more violently. When the concentration has been doubled, the reaction will have doubled. The reaction rate can be increased if the concentration of the reactant is raised. As there are more particles to react with in a higher concentration of acid, the chance of an effective collision goes up. I have performed similar experiments and have acquired this equation: Calcium + Hydrochloric Calcium + Carbon + Water =============================================== Carbonate Acid Chloride Dioxide The reaction rate is also known as the collision theory. This is when successfully 2 particles collide with each other and give off a successful product. This is as shown below: For my experiment I will use 5 different concentrations of hydrochloric acid. These are: 0.5M 1M 1.5M 2M 2.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Representations of Women in Early Irish and Welsh Literature Essay

Although there are parallels between Irish and Welsh sagas of elopement, the powerful self confident women depicted in these narratives do not represent the real women of Medieval Ireland and Wales. Proinsias Mac Cana has suggested that the dominant roles of Deirdre and Grainne in their respective tales (Longes mac nUislenn and Toruigheacht Dhiarmada agus Ghrainne) are ‘literary variations on the exemplar of the sovereignty goddess’ (Doan, 1985: 90). Bitel (1996: 2) asserts that Celticists have been seduced by these dominant female characters viewing them as representative of real women with considerable power over men, a depiction which if true should be reflected in the law tracts or ‘custom in action’(Stacey, 2002: 1107). This paper will argue that the ecclesiastical and legal tracts of both Ireland and Wales offer many images of women, judgements about women, and regulations for women. They do not however present the stereotypical medieval woman as the sovereignty goddess depicted in the secular sagas. Because women left no written records, we are dependent on male literature (probably all of the texts written in early Ireland and Wales) for a definition of woman and her cultural role. These male authors wrote of women in: ‘saint’s lives; poems; sagas and myths; gnomic texts; histories; chronicles; genealogies; folktales; theological tracts; and extensive ecclesiastical tracts; and secular laws’ (Bitel, 1996: 12). Although these texts offer insights on women they must be viewed through the hermeneutical lens of the socio-historical context of the era in which they were written. Early medieval Ireland was a patriarchal society and a woman’s role and identity was determined by patriarchal norms and conventions. The literati of this era did not define woman as an independent individual. Women existed only in relation to men and therefore their representation in literature was not entirely objective or according to Bitel consistent. Tensions exist between various texts. The portrayal of women as ‘capricious beasts’ (Bitel, 1995:137) presented in the eighth century wisdom text Tecosca Cormaic contrasts sharply with the recognition of a woman as home-maker and wife with limited recourse to the law depicted in Cain Lanamna or the law of couples (O Croinin, 1995: 127) . The majority of the extant Irish law books were composed between the seventh and ninth centuries. At this stage the Irish literati were members of the nobility educated in monastic communities. Many were monks but this elite group also included jurists, historians, poets and story tellers. Mc Cone has suggested that these learned elite produced literature for the monastery which was heavily influenced by Biblical texts (Bitel, 1996: 14). Donnchadh O Corrain, Liam Breatnach and Aidan Breen have argued that there exists a close connection between ecclesiastical law and Irish vernacular law (Stacey, 2002: 1108). Stacey asserts that although the legal sources from Wales (compiled in the twelfth and thirteen centuries) are later than the Irish sources there is also a significant link between ‘legal, poetic and ecclesiastical learning’ (2002: 1108). The Irish penitential books written between the sixth and the ninth centuries reveal conflict between the ideals of Christian leaders and the customs of early Irish communities. These penitentials were designed as moral guides for confessors in attributing penance in the rite of confession (Gula, 1989: 25). According to Bitel, Christian clergy were intent on transferring social control of sex from the kin group to the individual Christian (1987: 67). Fox concurs with Bitel, asserting that by liberating the individual from the bonds of clan and family, the church was attempting to reduce kinship to ‘its lowest common denominator [the nuclear family: the lowest kinship group that is compatible with reproduction] while appearing to support basic kinship values’ (1993: 109-110). The Clergy in promoting Christian morality for the individual attempted to reorganize Early Irish society. According to Bitel, the kin group were influential in controlling sexual activity. This was necessary to ensure the survival of the community as an interdependent group. Archaeological evidence suggests that houses consisted of one room. This allowed for little individual privacy and sex was a natural and visible part of family life. Illicit encounters had to take place outside of the home, and even then they were monitored by the community. Any kind of sexual relationship that had to be conducted in secrecy was considered dangerous. The survival and welfare of the clan depended on social stability and this principle determined the attitude of the pre-Christian Irish toward sexuality. Sex in itself however was not considered immoral. Celibacy was not portrayed as a virtue in the secular literature. Cu Chulainn’s sexual exploits are recorded in the sagas; however his casual encounters did not threaten the community (Bitel, 1987: 70-71). Bitel asserts that ‘the tension between individual desire and community need had always to be resolved in favour of the community’ (1987: 72), and herefore marriage was a contractual arrangement determined not by romance or love but by the necessity of producing children and the survival of the kin group. Woman’s reproductive capacities themselves are integrated into the economic life of the society. The image of woman depicted in Cain Lanamna is a woman whose social emotional and economic orientation is directed towards the family and home. Early Irish Law, commonly known as Brehon Law was a series of civil laws which governed every aspect of daily life including marriage and divorce. Marriage and divorce were interlinked by virtue of a contract agreed and a contract dissolved. Under the Brehon system, women were free to marry in one of nine ways, although the primary type of marriage, lanamnas comthinchuir was the most common. Both partners enter this marriage with equal financial resources. In the second type of marriage, lanamnas for ferthinchur, the woman contributes little or no financial assets to the marriage. In the third category, lanamnas for bantinchur, the woman contributes the greater share of the marriage assets. These three categories required formal pre-nuptial agreements. With the remaining six types of marital union (including cohabitation with a woman with family consent, voluntary eloping without family consent, voluntary abduction without family consent, illicit rendezvous, marriage by rape and marriage of two insane people) marriage entailed the assumption of financial responsibility for child rearing (O Croinin, 1995: 128). Corresponding to the wide variety of marriages recognized by law, there were many grounds for divorce. A woman might divorce a man who failed to satisfy her sexual needs because he was sterile, impotent, bisexual or homosexual. In this instance she was entitled to be paid her coibche in addition to a fine in compensation. A woman could divorce her husband on the grounds of indiscretion should he discuss intimate details of their marriage outside of the home. A woman could also divorce her husband should he abandon her either for the church or for a life on the road as he would no longer be in a position to maintain her. Physical abuse was also considered legitimate grounds for divorce. Even if the original blemish disappeared, a woman was entitled to the equivalent of her bride price as compensation. The laws are quite clear about the validity of female testimony in matters concerning consummation of marriage. This testimony is verified by a physical examination of the woman by female dignitaries. In a case where a woman refuses her husband his conjugal rights either because of a problem pregnancy or her menstrual cycle, the law regarded her objections as valid. A woman could also choose to divorce on grounds of infidelity although extra marital relations were recognized by law (O Croinin, 1995: 129). O Croinin suggests that in general terms many women were recognized by the law in ‘their capacity as wives and in their own right as individuals’ (1995: 133) Law texts are clear that a woman’s rights in divorce are specific to each type of marriage and related marriage contract. Lanamnas Comthinchuir was regarded as the most common type of marriage at this time. It was a dignified state for the wife, she was known as a be cuitchernsa, literally ‘a woman of joint dominion, a woman of equal lordship’ (O Croinin. 1995: 128). If this category of marriage ended in divorce, the woman received what she had initially contributed to the marriage in addition to a share of the profit accrued from the couple’s joint activities during the marriage period. O Croinin records that the division of property was in accordance with fixed proportions: ‘one third went to the partner who provided the land; one third to the partner who provided the stock; and one third to the partner who provided the labour’ (1995: 128). This last provision recognized the woman’s work in the home and on the farm. The second type of marriage lanamnas for ferthinchur represented a different kind of divorce settlement. Since the woman provided neither land nor stock, she was entitled to half of her own handiwork and one sixth of the dairy produce in store. If she had worked diligently on the farm and in the home she took one ninth of the corn and cured meat in store. She also received a sack of corn for a specified time. Divorce in the third category of marriage, lanamnas for bantinchur, ensured that the woman retained a life interest in the farm. She could not however transfer any rights to the estate to her children. She could however marry one of the heirs to the property and preserve her children’s right to inherit. Although the Irish lawyers appealed to Scripture, particularly to Leviticus to justify parallel cousin marriages, church law declared parallel cousin marriages incestuous (O Corrain, 1985). The Welsh tractate ‘the laws of women’ contains rules governing marriage and division of property in medieval Wales. There are four redactions of Welsh law manuscripts: the Cyfnerth and the Blegywryd redactions both derive from south Wales; Iorwerth is classed as a north Wales redaction; and finally the Latin manuscripts (there are similarities between the Latin laws and the Welsh redactions). Although the sources from Wales are dated to the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, women in the Welsh tractate like women in Cain Lanamna are portrayed as wives and home-makers (Roberts, 2008: 58-59). Stacey asserts that the most ‘striking’ passage of the ‘Laws of Women’ outlines the domestic and agricultural goods granted to each partner in cases where the marriage had lasted longer than seven years (2002: 1109). This passage is common to each of the Welsh redactions of the law books and can also be found in four of the five Latin compilations. The couple must divide their possessions equally, the pigs become the property of the man and the woman takes ownership of the sheep. If there are only sheep and goats, the sheep go to the man and the goats to the woman. The children are also divided between the couple ‘two parts go to the father, the eldest and the youngest, and the middle to the mother’ (Stacey, 2002: 1111). The division of household goods is itemised: all milk vessels, except for one pail and one dish becomes the property of the woman. The man is entitled to all of the drinking vessels and the riddle while the woman is entitled to the sieve. The man is entitled to the upper stone of the quern and the woman to the lower stone. The bed clothes which cover the couple becomes the property of the woman while the clothes which they lay on belong to the man. The man receives the cauldron and the blanket and the pillows from the bed together with the wood axe, coulter and all the sickles except for one which the woman obtains. The woman is granted the pan, the broad axe, the bill hook and all of the flax, linseed and wool. She also receives the plowshare. Any gold or silver is divided equally between the couple. The man is entitled to the corn above and below the ground, all of the hens and one cat. The remaining cats become the property of the woman. The woman receives the salted meat but if it is hung it becomes the property of the man. The woman is also granted as much flour as she can carry along with the cut meat and the partly used cheese. They each retain their own clothes except for their cloaks which must be divided equally. Any balls of wool in stock become the property of the sons (Stacey, 2002: 1111). Like Irish Marriage Law, the Welsh Laws of Women attempted to secure a measure of financial independence for each partner in the event of divorce . Unlike Irish marriage law however which divided property according to specific marriage contracts, some rovisions in the Welsh divorce law appear illogical. Jenkins suggests that the Welsh division of property on divorce, attempts to ensure that each partner has the necessary provisions to survive but he asserts that the division of the quern stones is ‘curious’ since they cannot be used independently (Stacey, 2002: 1111). Similarly the coulter is granted to the man while the plowshare is received by the woman. Since both blades would have been required for planting this division appears to make little logical or practical sense. Stacey also points out that the man receives all of the corn and hens but only one cat to protect them from vermin while the woman receives the remaining cats although she has no grain or hens to protect (Stacey, 2002: 1113-1116). Welsh divorce law does not seem to be based on the wealth brought to the marriage by each party or indeed on the status of the marriage. In Irish Law the apportionment of property is determined by both of these factors (Stacey, 2002: 1113). Stacey suggests that the division of property in a Welsh divorce is symbolic of the destructiveness of divorce and failed marriage. He asserts that this was a secular ‘homily’ on the improvident nature of divorce (2002: 1124). Although the marriage property is divided the woman ultimately is disadvantaged because under Welsh Law, she has no claim to land and must be satisfied with portable goods. Although women under Welsh law were afforded the opportunity to divorce their husbands due to his impotency, leprosy or bad breath (Roberts, 2008: 63), Nerys Patterson suggests that the woman was further disadvantaged in the wake of marital separation: female virginity was highly valued and her loss of virginity would affect her chances of remarriage (2002: 1121). These medieval divorce laws clearly situate the woman in the home, rearing children, cooking, spinning wool and working on the farm. It is tempting to view these laws as depictions of a progressive egalitarian society, however the political and social realities of a woman’s life suggest otherwise. A woman’s legal definition derived from that of her father, brother or her legal husband. A legal tract on honour price (dire) defined women’s legal and social position ‘her father had charge over her when she is a girl, her husband when she is a wife, her sons when she is a [widowed] woman with children . . the Church when she is a woman of the Church [i. e. , a nun]. She is not capable of sale or purchase or contract or transaction without the authorization of one of her superiors’ (Bitel, 1996: 8). According to Bitel, these legally and socially incapacitated women were the real Medbs of medieval Ireland. When measuring a woman’s status, the laws measured women against the legal norm of the free adult male and as such a woman’s worth remained only half that of her male guardians honour price. The Irish literati along with many medieval authors considered female bodies as ‘less valuable copies of mens’ (Bitel, 1996: 19). This principle is reflected in the only extant Irish medico-legal tracts namely Bretha Crolige and Bretha Dein Checht which accorded women less medical attention and food rations than men (Bitel, 1996: 21). Women therefore were considered physically and psychologically less than man, less than human (Bitel, 1996: 23). The ninth century Triads text, Trecheng Breth Fene unveiled some basic assumptions about the nature of woman. The Triads suggested that ‘the three drops of a wedded woman’ were drops of blood (a good wife was a virgin at marriage); sweat; and tears (a good wife should be willing to suffer hardship to support her husband and children). One of the three misfortunes of a man was proposing marriage to a bad woman. According to the Triads, women were their husband’s property and were akin to animals. ‘When a man loaned either a woman or a horse, he had to expect it to be used by the borrower’ (Bitel, 1996: 23). The wisdom text also suggested that ‘like a cow’s udder, women through her womb, was one of the three renovators of the world’ (Bitel, 1996: 24). Another wisdom text Tecosca Cormaic suggested that women ‘should be feared like beasts’ because they were ‘capricious beasts’ (Bitel, 1996: 24). A woman’s physical characteristics and fertility therefore were animal like and unreliable. The eighth or ninth-century wisdom text Senbriathra Fithail considered the characteristics of ‘a good wife’ (Bitel, 1996: 27). Advising his pupil Cormac mac Airt, Fithal (a druid) asserted that a good woman had ‘common sense, prudence, modesty, excellent Irish, delicacy, mildness, honesty, wisdom, purity and intelligence’ (Bitel, 1996: 28). All of these attributes according to Fithal were necessary for a woman to become a desirable wife. A bad wife on the other hand was characterised by ‘wretchedness, stinginess, vanity, talkativeness, laziness, indolence, noisiness, hatefulness avarice, visiting, thieving, keeping trysts, lustfulness, folly and treachery’ (Bitel, 1996: 28). Fithal asserted that it was possible to detect a woman’s character based on her physical appearance. He suggested that Cormac should avoid: ‘the fat short one’; ‘the slender short one with curling hair’; the fair tall one’; ‘the dark-limbed, unmanageable one’; ‘the dun coloured yellow one’; and ‘the slender prolific one who was lewd and jealous’ (Bitel, 1996: 28). Fithal determined that the worst wife was a be cairn or a whore. A successful marriage however could be assured by a union with the ‘tall, fair, very slender ones’ (Bitel, 1996: 28). Fithal admitted to Cormac however that the ideal woman may not exist and that most women had character flaws. The author of Tecosca Cormaic was adamant that all women were ‘chronically dissatisfied, bad tempered, untrustworthy, wanton, manipulative, ambitious, greedy, arrogant whiners’ (Bitel, 1996: 29). Bitel suggests that the real problem with women is that they were not men and the writers of the gnomic tracts could only define them by their many indefinable natures: they had similar physical bodies to men but were not men; they had reproductive characteristics and temperaments similar to animals but were not animals. The only certainty appeared to be was that women must be controlled and her inferior position in society maintained (Bitel, 1996: 30). The writers of ecclesiastical canons suggested that women could only be redeemed by denying their female characteristics and their female sexuality. Bitel argues that canonists established a ‘gender hierarchy’ (Bitel, 1996: 32). Unlike the typologies found in secular and wisdom texts, the cannon scribes attributed a moral value to virginity and abstinence. Nuns were accorded a high moral value as were ‘widows who took the veil’ (Bitel, 1996: 32). Thomas O’ Loughlin suggests that the Collectio canonum hibernesis, a systematic collection of law, codified certain patristic theories producing an understanding of marriage ‘as a state secondary to virginity’ (1997: 188). The canonists justify their position by quoting Jerome who asserts that ‘virginity follows the lamb wherever he goes’ (O’Loughlin, 1997: 192). Jerome expands on this theme suggesting that ‘earth is populated by marriage, so heaven is by virginity’ (O’Loughlin, 1997: 192). The underlying concept is clear, virginity is exemplified and sexuality creates problems. According to O’Loughlin this principle was the basis of ecclesiastical thinking on marriage throughout the middle ages and Jerome’s opinion that sexual activity was ‘inferior and earthy’ in comparison to virginity which was ‘noble and superior’ has been held responsible for the cult of virginity and celibacy in the Latin church (O’Loughlin, 1997: 193). Augustine also considered sexuality dangerous but (quoting Paul in 1 Corinthians 7) asserted that while celibacy was the desired state, ‘lawful marriage is to be preferred to burning with desire and fornication’ (O’Loughlin, 1997: 193). The dangers of sexuality therefore were to be contained within the institution of marriage. Although canonists admitted that clerics could fall to sexual temptation, the general consensus was that women as the weaker sex were more likely to succumb to sexual temptation.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Jung and Freud’s Theory of the Unconscious Essay

Jung’s theory of the unconscious sprang from the influence of disassociationist psychology, whereby â€Å"ideas and images tend to combine into complexes† that represent a measure of one’s personality. Thus, in his 1902 work, Jung theorized that the phenomenon called somnambulism might be an attempt of a future personality to break through. In 1935, Jung posited the existence of the collective unconscious, which represents complexes that exist apart from people’s intentions (Astor, 2002). Freud placed too much emphasis on the aspects of sexual and aggressive drives in his theory of the unconscious (Anzieu, 1986). On the other hand, Jung believed that the human unconscious is motivated by higher drives than these two, such as an inherent desire to seek self-development and religious fulfillment. Moreover, Jung deviated from Freud’s theory of the unconscious by positing that each person has a unique unconscious and that such unconscious may be accessed by a person voluntarily (Anzieu, 1986). Moreover, Jung carried his theory of the unconscious further by theorizing about the collective unconscious, which is composed of a universal set of ideas that belong to the entire human race, which passed from one generation to the next. Thus, Jung believed that a person’s personality is not only influenced by personal factors, but also by cultural influences that help build his personality (The New York Association for Analytical Psychology, 2008). Freud would have treated Mary Jones through his process called psychoanalysis, or simply, the â€Å"talking-cure. † Freud believed that the psychological problems that appear to underlie Mary Jones’ manifestations could be solved by talking about them. Psychoanalysis consists in the patient’s narration of his thoughts and feelings to the therapist. Meanwhile, the therapist is supposed to listen carefully to the client, and from the client’s narration formulate his analysis and help the client achieve some insight into the unresolved conflicts of the client, which are only embedded in the unconscious (Anzieu, 1986). On the other hand, since Jungian analysis aims to form a strong relationship between the conscious and the unconscious, Jung would not confine the process to a mere discussion of the patient’s thoughts and feelings. Jung believed that the unconscious is a â€Å"wellspring of psychic energy and healing;† thus, he would utilize images and symbols designed to spontaneously unlock the patient’s fantasies and dreams. These images help in the exploration of new possibilities and achievement of personal transformation (The New York Association for Analytical Psychology, 2008). Jung places more emphasis n the process that occurs during the therapy sessions, rather than the content of the therapy. Jungian analysis aims to help the patient achieve an understanding and awareness of the unconscious and thereby give relief to the patient’s symptoms (The New York Association for Analytical Psychology, 2008). The differences in the treatment styles of Jung and Freud illustrate the following differences in their views of the unconscious:

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Gun Control Laws Essays

Gun Control Laws Essays Gun Control Laws Essay Gun Control Laws Essay Another Supreme Court case that had a major impact on the right to bear arms was Columbia v. Heller, which took place in 2008. Heller challenged a ban placed on handguns in Washington D.C. that restricted the carry of a firearm throughout the city. He argued how this was a clear violation of his second amendment rights as a law abiding citizen to carry a gun. Heller eventually won the case, and the ban on handguns was lifted. These cases show several things. One, the government has the right to regulate what types of guns are appropriate and safe for the streets. Two, the government does not have the right to take the guns away from qualified citizens that arent mentally ill or convicted felons. Every state has their own gun control laws, but certain federal laws preside over every state. These laws are mandatory for all states and they can carry some hefty penalties. For instance, if someone uses a firearm in a violent or drug-trafficking crime its punishable by a compulsory prison term of up to 20 years. Also, if the firearm has a silencer on it or its a machine gun, there will be a second conviction. This conviction leads to life imprisonment without release. There are particular groups of people, who are not allowed to possess, receive, ship, or transport a firearm or ammunition. Anyone who is an illegal alien cannot possess a gun. Felons who are convicted of crimes punishable by imprisonment for over a year cannot have firearms either. However, there is an exception for state misdemeanors punishable by less than two years. Certain unlawful drug users can not possess any firearms. These include certain depressants, narcotics, or stimulant drugs. Citizens that have renoun ced their citizenship are ineligible to possess. Certain people who are mentally unstable or committed to a mental institution cannot have guns. Theres also a federal law that bans anyone who was dishonorably discharged from the Armed Forces from firearm and ammunition possession. The age limit for purchasing a rifle or shotgun is 18 years of age or older. The age limit for purchasing a firearm other than a rifle or shotgun is 21 years of age or older. Any person convicted of a misdemeanor crime relating to domestic violence has no permission to have a gun. Also, anyone who has a court order which restrains them from stalking, harassing, or puting the life of an intimate partner at threat, cannot possess a firearm or ammunition. There are several ways in which a person can acquire a firearm according to federal law. One way is through gun dealers. This transaction can only legally occur for handguns if the buyer is 21 years of age or older and the dealer is federally licensed to sel l firearms in the individuals state of residency. An individual of 18 years of age and beyond, can purchase a shotgun or rifle in any state as long as the dealer is federally licensed. It;s against the law for any licensed manufacturer, licensed importer, or licensed dealer to deliver, transfer, or sell a firearm unless the federal firearms licensee receives approval from a prescribed source approving the transfer. There is a document called the federal form 4437 that needs to be filled out every time a firearm is sold. This form identifies who bought the gun and included other information about the buyer. It also records what kind of gun was purchased and what the serial number is on the firearm. There;s a particular notification that firearm dealers must send to the ATF if an individual purchases multiple handguns in a five-day period. If the dealer refuses to notify the ATF, there can be a punishment of up to $1000 and one year of imprisonment. There are also certain laws when in dividuals sell firearms amongst each other. ;A person who doesn;t have a federal firearms license cannot sell a gun to residents from another state without transferring the gun to a certified dealer in the purchaser;s state. The federal laws state that individuals cannot ship, transfer, or sell firearms to another state unless it;s the transferor;s state of residency. : Everyone has their own opinion about gun laws and gun control In America. There are studies that have been done which show statistics relating to gun ownership and statistics relating to firearms around the country. A survey shows that roughly 16,272 murders were committed during 2008 in the United States of America. Out of these killings, about 10,886 were committed with firearms. That;s 67% of the murders in the country. This shows how influential guns are in the American culture. Citizens of the United Kingdom are not allowed to have handguns under any circumstances. The only handguns allowed are by military and police. The United States has some the highest city murder rates in the world. Gun control has been discussed in the United States for hundreds of years. It;s topic that has reached every corner of America. Many cases have been brought up in the Supreme Court that has challenged the second amendment. In the earlier years right after the civil war, the federal government gun control laws were abused by the southern states who saw flaws that they used to their advantage. The federal government has also played a major role in deciding what kinds of guns are acceptable to have. They;ve also set laws which decide who is allowed and who is not allowed to carry guns. The federal level has decided on these laws according to what they think is best for the country at large and not just the states. However, they;ve also allowed room for state government to make their own set of gun laws pertaining to their region. Right from the year 1791, to the present day today, there have been a timeline of gun legislations and policies which have thrived trough out the American history. Closely tied to the gun control issue, together with the Second Amendment of the Constitution, several American National Organizations made and reached milestones and important federal legislations which were intended to govern the use and the possession of guns and firearms in the United States. Some of these decisions by the national organizations are such as; The National Rifle Association which was founded in the year 1871 by two Union soldiers, Gen. George Wingate and Col. William C. Church. Curing this time, the NRA was founded for the purposes of encouraging and promoting rifle shooting for scientific purposes. Later, in 1938, the Federal Firearms Act (FFA) was enacted by the Congress and was aimed to govern the activities of those that were involved in the sale and the shipping of guns and firearms through foreign channels. This legislation required that every firearm seller and dealer should obtain a Federal Firearm License from the then, Secretary of Commerce. Like today;s gun control act, the Federal Firearms Act prohibited the gun dealers from selling to people who were convicted of felonies or those that lacked the permit to own a gun. About 30 years later, the Federal Gun Laws were revised in 1968, after the assassination of John F. Kennedy, who was killed using a mail-order gun. In the same year, the Gun Control Act was passed after the subsequent assassination of Martin Luther King and the presidential candidate Robert Kennedy. With the passage of this policy, came the expansion of the license requirements which included more detailed record keeping of guns sold by every dealer, wi th its primary aim being the ban of all mail-order gun sales. In between the Gun Control Act of the year 1968, to 1994, were a series of policies which all were aimed at regulating the sale and the use of firearms. In 1994, however, a new policy named the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, which was well renowned as the ;Assault Weapon Ban,; was passed. Unlike many other policies that only restricted and banned the sale and the possession of firearms, this Act banned the manufacture, possession and importation of more semiautomatic assault weapons for the use by individual civilians. Additionally, this passage of this law prohibited juveniles from owning or even selling handguns. With this, this law also directed the attorney general to evaluate every proposed or existing state gun laws that involved minors.; In 2007, ;The National Instant Criminal Background Check System; (NISC) improvement act was passed and became among the modern day American gun control acts. Its main objective was to provide a financial initiative for all states to provide the relevant information regarding whether a person is prohibited from owning a firearm or not. This law required that this information is given to the NICS, which is the database that conducted a background check every time a gun or any other firearm was purchased from a federally licensed dealer. Additionally, this legislation addressed the issue of the mentally ill about them owning any kinds of firearms. According to this legislation, for any mentally ill person to be eligible for the purchase of a gun, they needed to have a ;relief from disabilities; implementation from their respective states. From the above chronology of policies passed about gun control laws, it is evident that at this point, where the American gun control laws merit a whole lot concern and attention, several conflicting rules and legislations have been issued by the Federal American court of appeals.;

Monday, October 21, 2019

Entering International Markets

Entering International Markets IntroductionInternational business requires that companies know their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. In this paper, we will discuss this week's simulation involving Trinezza, a motor scooter manufacturer trying to enter the international market. Also, we will answer the following questions: what would be the major elements in the SWOTT of Trinezza, what are some advantages large companies have over smallercompanies when choosing a mode of entry strategy, and what factors should drive a company to continue in, expand, or exit its chosen market.SWOT ANALYSISStrengthsTrinezza has several strengths that will help their motorcycle succeed in the international market. Trinezza's product is strength itself because it is an economical mode of transportation. The motor scooter has also proven to be a very reliable method of traveling. The motor scooter not only works well, but also looks great and has practical features. The technology of Trinezza's motor scooter gives Tri nezza an advantage over the scooters that are currently available in Sentonia.Piaggio XEvo 250ie Motor ScooterWeaknessesTrinezza's weaknesses include: little or no brand identification, little international experience, price, and lack of financial resources. Trinezza's company, brand, and their product are virtually unknown in the Sentonia market. Only one partner has any international business experience in Trinezza making it very inexperienced. Lack of experience within the company to help make a transition to international markets, could prove fatal if not careful. The price of Trinezza's motor scooter is higher than the competition in Sentonia which could make it difficult to sell. A lack of financial resources could also make it difficult in the international market due to bigger companies trying to edge into the same market.OpportunitiesThe opportunities that Trinezza has in international business in Sentonia include: foreign competition, size of middle class (4 million), mark et trends, technology, and legislation. The foreign competition in Sentonia lacks the better...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Are You Up on the Top Resume Cover Letter Trends of 2012-2013

Are You Up on the Top Resume Cover Letter Trends of 2012-2013 Are you up on the top resume cover letter trends of 2012-2013? Many articles posted on line are old and outdated. Thankfully, each year Career Thought Leaders releases an up-to-date report on current job search trends and the 2012 report has been released! Findings of 2012 Global Career Brainstorming Day: Trends for the Now, the New the Next in Careers covers topics including Career Marketing Communications (my focus), Job Search, Career Planning Management, Career Counseling Coaching, The Changing Employment Landscape, and Challenges for Career Professionals. I invite you to read the full report to get a picture of job search trends in all these areas. What follows is a summary of top trends in Resumes Cover Letters, LinkedIn Profiles and Video/Multimedia presentations. The Essay Expert will be following these recommendations and I hope you will too! Resumes Cover Letters Resumes are not dead, despite the fact that some people do get interview offers based solely on their social media profiles and video presentations. In most fields, resumes remain the central career marketing document, around which all other materials (LinkedIn profile, networking resume, bio, etc.) revolve. Ideal length is two pages for most mid- to senior-level professionals; the presentation must be such that the information is readily absorbed in 6-10 seconds. A portfolio of additional, consistently branded materials, including an Executive Summary for senior players, is welcomed by decision-makers; this compilation paints a full picture of what an accomplished applicant offers. An exact street address is no longer necessary, but a LinkedIn URL is recommended. Numbers speak louder than words, so include any you can! Also include CAR (Challenge-Action-Result) or STAR (Situation-Task-Action-Result) stories to demonstrate your value. Each resume must be tailored to the job description. You will need multiple versions to be truly effective. Quotes/testimonials are becoming more and more accepted- and perhaps even expected- on resumes. Photos are still a no-no in the United States for anyone looking for full-time employment; in Europe and the UK, however, photos remain standard. Document Format requirements vary depending on your audience. Some organizations and job search sites accept fully formatted resumes in .doc or .pdf format; others require Word documents or text-based files. Gmail addresses are the standard, and aol addresses are seen as antiquated, especially for tech jobs. Brief, tailored cover letters are still welcome by some HR and hiring managers, so best practice is to include one that makes you stand out. The old â€Å"snail mail† tradition of sending a resume on nice bond paper is also not dead! You can make an impression by doing so and get some attention. If you are working with a recruiter, do whatever the recruiter directs you to do. You can use your more highly formatted resume when interacting directly with hiring managers. LinkedIn LinkedIn is absolutely essential to your job search strategy. Sure, you can be on facebook, Twitter and Pinterest, but LinkedIn is the one non-negotiable. Did you know that recruiters will often accept LinkedIn connection requests even though they will not read an unsolicited resume? Once on LinkedIn, recommendations are as follows: Prioritize keywords and recommendations (vs. endorsements). Update your profile and activity status regularly. There is no need to purchase a Premium account in order to get value from your LinkedIn presence. LinkedIn is not a silver bullet! Simply having a great profile does not guarantee success; you must participate in discussions and â€Å"take it off line† to get full value from the site. Your LinkedIn profile should complement, not copy, your resume. VideoBios, Web Portfolios, Visual CVs Other Multimedia Tools Web portfolios are becoming common, especially for those in the graphic arts field. A web presence may soon be expected for job seekers in some fields! Consistent branding is key. Video resumes are more accepted and utilized on the West Coast than elsewhere, but they have not taken off as anticipated. It seems social media profiles such as LinkedIn are still winning out. Some recruiters like video resumes/bios and Skype. Word to the wise: If you choose to present yourself through video, make sure you use high level technology! A poor quality video image, whether in a video or a Skype conversation, can be worse than no video at all. I hope the above â€Å"hot-off-the-press† advice from top career professionals supports what you’re already doing or encourages you to head in a new direction. Read the full report here. If The Essay Expert can help, let us know! We are available at 608-467-0067 or through our Web Form.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Expansion of westward settlements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Expansion of westward settlements - Essay Example In late December of the same year, O’Sullivan employed the term ‘Manifest Destiny’ in explaining another issue related to the seizure of the western territory. In connection with this, O’Sullivan maintained that the United States had the right of occupying western territory. According to him, the claim was by the right of America’s manifest destiny not only to overspread, but also to possess the whole areas of the continent that Providence had ordained the U.S. However, O’Sullivan believed that the use of force was not essential for expanding the U.S territory. It was as a result of this that he advocated gradual enlargement of the U.S. through use of settlement. O’Sullivan believed that the settlement of the American communities to the western territory will lead to establishment of institutions related to the American government. He further argued that the formed institutions would later want to enter into the Union. In tandem with this, the adoption of the term Manifest Destiny led to the acquisition of other territories like New Mexico and

Sexuality and violence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Sexuality and violence - Essay Example A perfect example took place in 1931 with the Scottsboro Boys case (Pratt, 2010): two police runaway women, Bates, a minor and Prince, an adult, claimed to have been raped by black Americans after a fight between two gangs; blacks and whites after they were discovered to be wearing men’s attire by officials. A crowd was waiting at the train terminus in Alabama to lynch the nine black men arrested of the rape act but the National Guard Forces prevented it. Nevertheless, they were tried by a white jury and found guilty labeling the crime as the most heinous against whites. A second example is the Central Park Jogger case where the victim, Trisha Meili was raped and beaten severely leaving her in a coma and without memory of what happened. Police assumed that the crime was committed by several Latinos and black Americans. Consequently, an arrest of five men followed and all were imprisoned. In 2003, Matias Reyes, one of the five convicts confessed to have committed the crime alone and despite a match in DNA evidence collected, the initial prosecutor verbally opposed cancelling of the initial convictions. Furthermore, a panel of police from New York City Police Department claimed that the initial number of suspects (five) was guilty. ii. The accused are assumed to be guilty (Davis, 1981). For instance, Prince claimed to have been raped by twelve black men and instead of police looking for the twelve men specifically, all black Americans on the train were taken captive. Similarly, Meili’s case saw Matias confess of being guilty yet the other four convicts were not voided and still assumed guilty. In both cases, the victims were imprisoned despite the court failing to find sufficient evidence. From the non-white point of view, the harsh decisions made against the four men in the Meili’s case led them to believe that any sexual activity against a white woman will be considered the most heinous of

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Risks of Sports Doping on Weight Lifters Research Paper

The Risks of Sports Doping on Weight Lifters - Research Paper Example However, doping is rampant some athletes have taken upon themselves and their managers to deceive the doping tests and have a competitive advantage over other athletes. Despite testing being done without advance notification and having a long list of banned substances, cheating by athletes has been rampant and more effective than in the past. It is with the understanding of the rampant cases of doping in sports that this study aims at understanding the risks of sports doping on weightlifters (Saugy et al., January 01, 1996). According to Thieme and Hemmersbach (2010), doping as a word first mentioned in the English dictionary in 1889 despite the attempts at enhancing performance by athletes have been a much older activity. Doping has its origins 5,000 years in China when the use of Ma Huang (an extract from the Ephedra plant) was used to suppress coughing and stimulate circulation (Thieme & Hemmersbach, 2010). Further, eating of testicles was recommended by Indian Physician Sutruta and used by the Huns around 300 BC, hallucinogenic mushrooms in 3 BC show the development of doping in sports. Strong stimulants like cocaine, alcohol, caffeine, and strychnine would later be used by cycles and other athletes to promote endurance (Baron et al., January 01, 2007). Mariani wine that would lead to the conferring of a gold medal to Vin Mariani was also used widely but was banned by Germany in 1920. Start of human tests to reduce athlete doping revealed numerous cases of doping and the start of banning by The Inter national Athletic Federation (IAAF).  

Ppaper on Illegal Physical or Internet Intrusion Essay

Ppaper on Illegal Physical or Internet Intrusion - Essay Example This paper discusses why data security is of importance to an organization. Furthermore it throws light upon what might be the physical or internet based threats to an organization’s database and lastly converges with a few suggestions that can be embedded in order to strengthen database security. WHY IT IS IMPORTANT TO SECURE AN ORGANIZATION’S DATA? An organization’s data is of imperative importance to it. The success of any setup is directly proportional to the security and integrity of that environment. This study is aimed at discussing the scope of threats that an organization faces with respect to its data. It highlights what measures could be taken in order to keep the data within the database of an organization secure from any kinds of physical and internet intrusions. The Deputy Commissioner and internal control officer of the Massachusetts Department of Revenue John Mynihan is said to have quoted as follows about the threats to the data of an organizatio n: â€Å"Any organization that collects data has to acknowledge that people are abusing it because they have access to it ... It's human nature.† (Mynihan, 2007) Database security is of inevitable importance because any malfunctioning done with the data in it, whether physical or virtual, if not corrected in a timely manner can result in the loss of system or data integrity. This, in turn can have severe consequences on the business processes themselves. The continued usage of corrupted data and thus the corrupted database system can result in the outcome of fraudulent and inappropriate decisions. In addition to this, unintentional and unauthorized disclosure of any sensitive data pertaining to the organization and its stakeholders can result in the loss of confidence of the organization’s stakeholders with it. Moreover, it can even lead to severe legal issues and stern embarrassment against the organization. TRUSTING INDIVIDUALS? A renowned fact that spreads widely wi thin business circles is that individuals should never be trusted such that an organization’s critical should be left at their disposal. This task of storing critical data and enabling it’s readily and convenient access is assigned to databases. Database stores all the critical data of an organizational setup. Since they hold so very much importance, their security is also a key concern for the organization. Senior director of security for Oracle, Wynn White mentions his observations about database security in the following words: â€Å"According to one recent Forrester study, 80 percent of data security breaches involve insiders, employees or those with internal access to an organization, putting information at risk. The big challenge for companies today – particularly as email and the Internet make sharing and distributing corporate information easier than ever - is to strike the right balance between providing workers with appropriate access and protecting s ensitive information as much as possible.† (White) The following text evaluates what a database’s security is and what are the potential threats faced by it. THE POTENTIAL THREATS The potential threats that are faced by a database with respect to its security can be summarized as follows: PHYSICAL INTRUSION/THREAT: This involves dangers such as theft fire/flood, power outage, earthquake or malicious damage. HUMAN ERROR: Mistake on the part of the authorized personnel manipulating the database. This may

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Managing and leading strategic change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Managing and leading strategic change - Essay Example Its purpose is to critically analyse and evaluate the nature of these relationships shared by organizations’ environment and their external activities. Introduction As the business world continues to evolve every day, people are moving from the olden formulas of doing business to new and technological equipped systems (Schniederjans, 2005:74). The scope of this paper is to show that it is needful for managers and marketers to incorporate knowledge of substantiated organizational change in order to ensure that business organizations and their environments correlate with the internal activities, processes, and systems (King, 2009:59). The essay discusses that the art of technological advancement is high thus; management and its team need to be up to date. Ultimately, this helps the company to achieve both short and long-term objectives. Further, the scope of the essay presents a documented evidence of research based on selective appropriate academic literature, concepts, models and theories based on change management in an organization. ... Critical outlook into the nature of the rapport between an organization’s surroundings and its management of internal activities shows that, at times, it may be sore following the idea that not all suppliers, consumers, and other actors in the outside environment will find the organization’s systems, activities, and processes convenient. This indicates that the nature of the relations shared between and among these agents undergoes residual changes based on prices and time (Collier and Agyei-Ampomah, 2009:44). According to evolutionary models that include adaptive models and systems theory, expound on organizational change management as cognitive. Today, organizations are facing a primary problem, which is the disconnection between organizations internal activities and their external aspects. Formerly, organizations were able to disconnect their external relations from their internal functioning activities mainly because there were just a few communication methods betwe en the outsider and insiders (Shah, 2007:82). Public relations, purchasing, marketing, top executives, and the strategic planning sectors of an organization handled the external functions (Mcdavid and Hawthorn, 2006:41). On the other end, the production, engineering, accounting, human resource management, both middle and lower level managers attended the internal aspects of the organization. However, when the facade of networking, flexible manufacturing, business process re-engineering, and redefined production as well as the new customer service focus entered the market, organization relations changed (Ramanathan, 2009:60). These constructive changes indicate that all people involved with any organization need to engage both their knowledge from the

Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries (JULPHAR) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries (JULPHAR) - Essay Example More than 800 products of the company are in the dosage forms, and few are yet to enter the market. The company employs more than 2800 employees around the world (Kapur, 2014). Turnover reported by the company at the end of 2013 was AED 1.36 Billion. The company reported various growth strategies in 2013. It performed a GCC wide review of its functions and operations. The new scientific office was launched across GCC under the new director. Additionally, the company launched its first manufacturing facility in Ethiopia at Addis Ababa (Julphar Extends its Global Footprint, 2015). This facility is a major part of the company’s international expansion objective and a milestone in its history (About Julphar, 2015). The objective of IAS 1 is to provide the organizations with the basis for presentation of general-purpose financial statements. It is to ensure the comparability of the financial statements of the previous periods and the financial statements of the other entities. IAS 1 is applicable to general-purpose financial statements that are prepared in accordance with the international Financial Reporting Standards. General-purpose financial statements are prepared in order to provide information about the financial performance, financial position and cash flow of the entity that is useful to a wide range of users for the purpose of making economic decisions (IAS 1, 2015). To fulfil the objective, financial statements provide the information about an entity’s: IAS 1 states that financial statements must present fairly the financial position, financial performance and cash position of the entity. This means that the entity should faithfully represent the effects of the transactions, events and condition in accordance with the criteria of assets, liabilities, income and expenses as mentioned in the framework. Going Concern: the conceptual framework requires the financial

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Managing and leading strategic change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Managing and leading strategic change - Essay Example Its purpose is to critically analyse and evaluate the nature of these relationships shared by organizations’ environment and their external activities. Introduction As the business world continues to evolve every day, people are moving from the olden formulas of doing business to new and technological equipped systems (Schniederjans, 2005:74). The scope of this paper is to show that it is needful for managers and marketers to incorporate knowledge of substantiated organizational change in order to ensure that business organizations and their environments correlate with the internal activities, processes, and systems (King, 2009:59). The essay discusses that the art of technological advancement is high thus; management and its team need to be up to date. Ultimately, this helps the company to achieve both short and long-term objectives. Further, the scope of the essay presents a documented evidence of research based on selective appropriate academic literature, concepts, models and theories based on change management in an organization. ... Critical outlook into the nature of the rapport between an organization’s surroundings and its management of internal activities shows that, at times, it may be sore following the idea that not all suppliers, consumers, and other actors in the outside environment will find the organization’s systems, activities, and processes convenient. This indicates that the nature of the relations shared between and among these agents undergoes residual changes based on prices and time (Collier and Agyei-Ampomah, 2009:44). According to evolutionary models that include adaptive models and systems theory, expound on organizational change management as cognitive. Today, organizations are facing a primary problem, which is the disconnection between organizations internal activities and their external aspects. Formerly, organizations were able to disconnect their external relations from their internal functioning activities mainly because there were just a few communication methods betwe en the outsider and insiders (Shah, 2007:82). Public relations, purchasing, marketing, top executives, and the strategic planning sectors of an organization handled the external functions (Mcdavid and Hawthorn, 2006:41). On the other end, the production, engineering, accounting, human resource management, both middle and lower level managers attended the internal aspects of the organization. However, when the facade of networking, flexible manufacturing, business process re-engineering, and redefined production as well as the new customer service focus entered the market, organization relations changed (Ramanathan, 2009:60). These constructive changes indicate that all people involved with any organization need to engage both their knowledge from the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The smoking in ban south dakota Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The smoking in ban south dakota - Essay Example Cancer, heart diseases, cough, fever, head ache etc are some of the major health problems associated with smoking. Recently the state, South Dakota passed a law saying no smoking in bars restaurants or any public place where people work. Majority of the citizens like the law; however the bar and casino owners do not like it since they are losing business because of the law. Moreover, South Dakota is getting lot of tax revenues from gambling. Dead wood South Dakota is a gambling city. After the smoking ban was passed, dead wood has lost about 16% of its annual profits. Now the question is; should the state government give preference to the interests of the public or to the interests of the business people. This paper argues in favour of smoking ban in South Dakota. Dr. ... It is the basic duty of each government to protect the life/health and properties of its citizens. Smoking is one way of destroying the health of the people and the governments have the moral responsibility to ban it or control it with the help of law. At the same time tobacco products are good sources of tax revenues for the governments. Banning of smoking will result in big financial losses to the governments. When we consider the expenses the governments suffer for treating patients suffering from smoking related health problems, the tax revenue from tobacco product selling is negligible. A committed government can never think in terms of revenues at the expense of the health of its citizens. Cigarette smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals, of which forty-three are known to cause cancer. Among the more toxic chemicals in tobacco are ammonia, arsenic, carbon monoxide, and benzene. Cigarette smoking is now known to cause chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), heart disease , stroke, multiple cancers (including lung cancer), and adverse reproductive outcomes. Smoking causes about 21 percent of all deaths from heart disease, 86 percent of deaths from lung cancer, and 81 percent of all deaths from chronic lung disease (SMOKING CESSATION) Smoking in public places not only cause disturbances to the nonsmokers, but also it causes severe health problems also to the nonsmokers due to secondary smoke. Morally it is an injustice that a non smoker became the victim of smokers. It is a fact that people can take their own choices with respect to smoking irrespective of the consequences. At the same time they must ensure that their choices may not do any

Monday, October 14, 2019

Roles and Responsibilities- River Island case study Essay Example for Free

Roles and Responsibilities- River Island case study Essay Roles and Responsibilities In a business every employee has a position or role within their workplace. A manager is expected to lead his or her employees, a supervisor is assumed to be good at teaching others as they are usually training additional employees. In this section I will explain the different roles and responsibilities a manager, supervisor and an employee may have including their decision making and problem solving techniques involved in their role. Roles and responsibilities of a Manager: A River Island manager has many responsibilities; they are responsible for the hiring and training of new staff members. The manager has to read through applications and decide whom to interview. The manager has to decide whether the candidate is right for the job in other words fits in with the shops working environment. The shop manager is also reliable for training all hires in the businesss procedures and policies. I spoke to River Island shop managers and she informed me that one of her roles as a manager is to manage her staff. A shop manager has to inform all staff members of their working hours and duties within the shop she also has to think about awarding hard-working staff with promotions or bonuses. On the other hand those who fail to accomplish a duty, the manager will warn them under the disciplinary procedures of the company. In addition a shop manager’s duty is to record and manage all the money that goes into the store. The shop manager must record the amount of money that goes in and out of the store each day, they have to keep track of the stores spending, and including staffing hours and often distributes pay checks to employees. Roles and responsibilities of a Supervisor: A supervisor’s role is to organise the store, a river Island supervisor has to co-ordinate activities of the assigned department, and they usually have to determine how important the activities are on a daily basis. For example an employee who works in the men clothing section in River Island may be assigned the role of organising and cleaning up that department, it is the supervisor’s job to make sure the employee knows this. The supervisor is in charge of making sure that the Sales assistant reports that those jobs are completed for the week. Supervisors have to check the store for cleanliness and ensure that the store display is neat and organized before the store opens. And if the store manager is not available the supervisor steps in to manage the store activities. Supervisors hold staff meetings to discuss issues staff member may have in performing their job within this meeting they discuss changes in routines, clothing offers or discounts. Roles and responsibilities of an Employee (Sales Assistant): I contacted a River Island employee and asked on the main responsibilities of being a River Island sales assistant. The Sales Assistant expressed to me the different responsibilities she had. It is an employee’s job to look after customers when they are shopping meaning they must be ready to answer questions and find items for customers. An employee also must be able to give good advice to their customers ‘As River Island representatives we are expected to ‘step up’ when necessary’. She also declared her role in making sure customers visit to the store is enjoyable and pleasant. Moreover she makes sure her approach to customers is polite and respectable she does this by greeting customers as they enter and leave the store, dealing with customer’s complaints professionally and making sure the customer is satisfied with the conclusion. As well as the above, a sales assistant has to make sure that all shelves are stocked up. Replenishing stock is one of a sales assistant’s most important jobs alongside being able to work at tills and balance the cash registers with receipts received. Qualities and Skills Qualities and Skills of a Manager: A manager must have many skills and qualities. An ideal manager for a retail store must be able to bring out the best in others as well as themselves. A manager should be able to discipline his/her staff, working as a role model towards their staff. A good manager should also be able to commit to a task or activity. On the River Island website I found out information on special skills a manager should have to conduct his/her job successfully. An ideal manager should have good communication skills as they have to communicate with their employees, good leadership skills, are focused, able to persuade his/her employees and organised, a manager should be able to divide large tasks and activities into manageable ones. A manager with good communication skills can help to build an organised and effective team of employees. It also helps to build and manage performance of their team members, having good communication skills can benefit the maintenance of relationships between employees. It is also crucial for a manager because it allows them to deal with customer complaints limiting any negative feedback about your business. A manager should be able to be persuasive and have good organisational, leadership skills. This allows employees to feel as if they can trust their manager; they feel as if they want to be led by them not have to be. This not only helps an employee grow fond of their job but also motivates them to give 100% effort. Helping to give the business an outstanding reputation and influences more customers to buy from their store. Qualities and Skills of a Supervisor: Sometimes the manager may not be available so this is when a supervisor steps in. A supervisor has to have similar skills to a manager but supervisors are more in contact with their fellow employees. A supervisor should have good flexibility and time management as well as basic communication skills. A supervisor should be able to motivate his/her employees to perform as well as they can to help the business succeed. Good flexibility can ensure that a supervisor is responsive to changes in the work place and is not blown off by any difficult situations. For example a customer complaint, a good supervisor especially for River Island should be able to stay calm under pressure and respond quickly to difficult circumstances. This also helps to keep the reputation of the business at its highest as customers are more likely to buy from somewhere that is knowledgeable in all situations. A supervisor should be able to manage their time, by doing this it keeps the employees confident that they are being led by someone who knows what they are doing, with this employees work harder increasing productivity, customer service and revenue. Qualities and Skills of an Employee: For a sales assistant especially at a clothing store they must be able to work as part of a team, enjoy working with the public as well as be confident when dealing with difficult situations for example difficult customers. Moreover an employee must have these key skills: †¢ Have a polite and helpful manner †¢ Have basic mathematical skills, for dealing with payments and stock checks and are comfortable with using computerised equipment such as tills. This enhances customer services where customers will tell their friends and family to visit the store due to their good services meaning more customers further more increasing the revenue for the store. †¢ be flexible, adaptable, reliable and trustworthy. These skills helps to prevent reduced employees loyalty due to this more employees refrain from their jobs. This means more money is spent on recruiting more staff, increasing a company cost which is not good for a business’s finances. Training and Development Opportunities According to the River Island website River Island invests in staff and encourages career development. River Island offer many different methods of training for example for sales advisors and store managers they perform a 3-4 week induction programme at a training store. They also provide skill development workshops relevant to the role you have in the river island job for example if you are a manager there are workshops to help you improve on your time management skills, organisation, delegation and other key skills a manager should have. Most River Island stores have regular progress reviews to monitor performance and development needs of individual employees. Even skilled managers have management training modules (relevant to their role) where they train managers off the job basic but in depth skill of being a manager. These training days help to enhance employee’s performance on the job. Benefiting River Island as a business because their employees are always well trained and know what they are doing. Customers would rather go to a store that is well known for employees who are helpful and organised rather than ones that lack these simple skills. ‘We want to help you make the most of your career with River Island and hope you enjoy working with us. ’ Methods of motivation The River Island company use methods of motivation to encourage their employees to do a better job than they otherwise would. Some of the ways River Island motivate their staff is by offering staff discounts of 30% off on items of clothing or accessories within the store for employees a further discount of 50% off if you are a manager. Also River Island offers a monthly salary to their staffs which ensures to pay staff no matter how much hours they work. On top of this River Island also allow their staff to work together in teams to complete certain tasks, this can make the job seem more enjoyable to the staff with a much more comfortable relaxing environment. This helps to retain staff because employees prefer a job were offers and discounts are issued especially with a popular clothing store like River Island rather than working in an environment that does not offer any type of fringe benefits .This relates to the Maslow Hierarchy of needs theory, as staff at River Island feels a sense of belonging working in groups and are meeting their everyday survival needs. Motivating your staff can help to keep a business successful. A River Island staff member said ‘The more motivated I am the harder I work to help the business reach its goals to earn more money’. Motivating your staff can help to increase output, improve quality of your business as well as save money for your business. If employees are keen to stay with the company then money is not loss on hiring and training of new staff. Based on Hertzberg two-factor theory of motivation, I believe River Island could offer more methods of motivation in a way to retain staff, for example empowerment. Empowering an employee makes them feel as if they are being noticed for the hard work they are putting in. This can make a staff member put in extra work and take pride in the extra work they are doing increasing output and quality of the business. . PEST Factors Organisations can face problems from external factors which can affect a business’s products, policies, people and profits. It is a useful strategic tool for understanding market growth or decline, business position, potential and direction for operations. A PEST analysis is usually carried out by business planners this allows them to improve their strategies. Political Factors Political factors usually affect the ways in which changes in the government policy can influence businesses. River Island has to abide by the employment laws developed by the government. This may include the equal pay act of 1970 that women and men should receive equal pay for doing the same type of work or even the race relations act of 1976 which states that making discriminations against an employee on grounds of their race is illegal. Other factors may include the sex discrimination act, 1925 which protects employees against discrimination due to the gender for example if river island was promoting manager recruitment they cannot state the employee has to be of a specific gender. Though this does not apply in all situations if there was recruitment for a female attendant for the female changing rooms this would not apply. Similar to the race relations act of 1976 also states discrimination on grounds of race is illegal though there are GOQ’s genuine occupation qualifications that are legitimate in some cases. One of the most recent acts produced lately is the national minimum wage act, 1998. This ensures than employees are not exploited and are paid enough for them to survive. Minimum wage is increased every year in line with the rise in cost of living. Currently the adult rate for workers over 21 is  £6.19.River Island has key principles against these, and states that employment is freely chosen, living wages are paid, working hours are not excessive, discrimination is not practised and regular employment is provided. Economic Factors Economic factors are those that may limit the customer from buying optional luxuries. Economic factors include taxation, inflation, interest rates and economic growth. During a recession, consumers spend less on optional items such as cars and appliances. As a result, the business environment suffers. Alternatively, if the economic environment is one of affluence, consumers are more likely to spend money, not just on necessities, but larger items as well. Last year recession meant that some employee’s wages were cut down, not much employees were made redundant because of this but wages were slashed to pay for other company costs. In case of an unemployment decrease, turnover will rise and recruiting more employees will become harder though the opposite effect if unemployment increases. Another economic factor is Inflation usually affects someone’s buying power –rising prices means you pay more for the same goods. If there is a rise there is a high probability that there will be a fall in the amount of merchandise bought from River Island. These means business costs increase and sometimes have to stop producing lots of merchandise and focus on spending money on important cost leaving some workers unemployed. Social Factors Social trends are one of the key factors affecting a business; this can include the demographics, age distribution and lifestyle. Social trends are important as they focus on the society and at the end of the day, if the public are buying then the demand at River Island will increase, which means more production. The demands for some popular clothes are determined by fashion. Fashion trends are constantly changing every season meaning more customers are willing to buy from a popular up to date clothing store due to its good reputation. People are now more career focused than previous years, people seem to be more determined to achieve a good status in their dream job to make money and buy all their wants and needs. The most significant sign of this is working mothers- back in the 50’s women were forced to stay at home to cook and clean for their families. Now women have the opportunity to work especially to provide for their families. Though working mothers mainly work part time to cater to when they need to pick up their children from school, though it is now modern for women not to have children. They are much more career focused. More and more employees are trying to make as much money as possible, though River Island is not a store that pay their employees high wages, not much of a ‘career focusing job’. River Island, works enthusiastically with its suppliers and official agencies around the world to provide a standard health and safety regulation to its employees. The company always ensures that their suppliers sign a contract which commit to World Wide Ethical standards and those who violate them will be prosecuted. Technological Factors Technology has both a negative and positive effect on business recruitment. The positives are that technology like online selling and shopping can benefit an employee because it allows them to sell River Island clothing and accessories online to a wider variety of people on websites like EBay or Amazon. It also can provide more jobs in creating websites, maintaining and updating the website which a River Island representative could do. Though technology can be a disadvantage having a website means fewer employees to recruit as people can easily just buy products online. Employers also can now employ people who have good IT skills; this can help to keep River Island as a business up to date. Online selling/websites can affect the workforce of River Island, this because consumers find it easier and more effective for them to purchase items online. This affects employees of River Island; they may lose their job because River Island can now reduce cost, and spend it effectively. Employers can also use social networking sites as ways of keeping an eye on their employees, investigating on what they are really like. This is happening more often now, though these social networking sites can act as way of motivating staff by building a relationship with them outside the working environment.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

What it takes to be a teacher

What it takes to be a teacher What It Takes To Be a Teacher Choosing a career is a challenging, exciting, and perhaps even a threatening task for most today (Morales, 1994, para. 1). â€Å"You may have a clear idea about a career youd like to pursue. Then again, you might not have a clue† (Mariani, 2011). In todays society there are thousands of careers to choose from. Woman, as well as men are open to career options from Computer Engineering to Teaching. As our society begins to advance there are many careers which can one day be taken over by more advanced technology, such as computers. Teaching however, is a career that will always be in demand. Teachers are responsible for teaching fundamentals which are needed in everyday life. Not only is teaching a promising career, it is also a rewarding and beneficial career. Pursuing a career as a teacher is very demanding, however, it can be a rewarding career. â€Å"Teacher: one whos occupation is to instruct† (Merriam-Websters, 1993, p. 1059). The teaching process can be broadly defined as the transmission of knowledge (Morales, 1994, para. 14). Teaching developed into a profession after the early 1800s when the first teacher training was founded in Europe ( The World Book Encyclopedia, 2011, p. 68). Since the 1800s, teaching has long evolved and become extremely important to society. Whether in elementary or high schools or in private or public schools, teachers provide the tools and the environment for their students to develop into responsible adults (U.S. Department of Labor, 2009). Teaching is a career which I have always found interest in. A puzzling question comes to mind: Why would anyone choose to teach in this day and age when there is such a wide range of careers from which to choose and when becoming a teacher is being made tougher and tougher? ( Morales, 1994, para. 3). For me the answer to this question is simple. Teaching is a rewarding, and beneficial career. There is so much more to teaching then showing students how to read, and write. According to the United States Department of Labor (2009) Teachers play an important role in fostering the intellectual and social development of children during their formative years†. The path to becoming a teacher will require years of schooling. The traditional route to becoming a public school teacher involves completing a bachelors degree from a teacher education program and then obtaining a license (U.S. Department of Labor, 2009). Aspiring secondary school teachers most often major in the subject they plan to teach, while also taking a program of study in teacher preparation (U.S. Department of Labor, 2009). Along with years of schooling, â€Å"Every state requires a public elementary and high school teachers to obtain a teaching certificate before teaching in that state† (The World Book Encyclopedia, 2011, p. 68). As technology continues to grow and people become more knowledgeable the requirements to becoming a teacher are gradually becoming more difficult. Evidence of tougher certification requirements is widespread. State legislators are mandating teacher accountability by passing laws that make it more difficult to enter the teaching profession ( Morales, 1994, para. 4). Being able to teach is not the only skill teachers need to have in order to land a teaching position. In addition to being knowledgeable about the subjects they teach, teachers must have the ability to communicate, inspire trust and confidence, and motivate students, as well as understand the students educational and emotional needs (U.S. Department of Labor, 2009). Although teaching may look simple there are many responsibilities a teacher holds. They plan, evaluate, and assign lessons; prepare, administer, and grade tests; listen to oral presentations; and maintain classroom discipline (U.S. Department of Labor, 2009). Teachers also hold another responsibility as stated by April Whatley, â€Å" Teacher educators are those individuals responsible for the development of future teachers† (2009). When one decides on becoming a teacher they must first realize there are certain job conditions they will be forced to work with on a daily basis. â€Å"Teachers may experience stress in dealing with large classes, heavy workloads, or old schools that are run down and lack modern amenities† (U.S. Department of Labor, 2009). A positive aspect of being a teacher is the hours and vacations you receive. Unlike any other job most teachers work normal 40 hour work week, but have two months of paid vacation. â€Å"Many teachers work more than 40 hours a week, including school duties performed outside the classroom† (U.S. Department of Labor, 2009). During the summer teachers have the advantage of a long vacation. â€Å"Most teachers work the traditional 10-month school year, with a 2-month vacation during the summer† (U.S. Department of Labor, 2009). Teachers salaries range widely depending upon where one works, how much they work and what degree they hold. â€Å"Median annual earnings of kindergarten elementary, middle and secondary school teacher ranges from $47,100 to $51,180† (Krasna, 2010). Throughout the day teachers deal with students who can often cause stress when they become disobedient. There are also other factors that teachers deal with on a daily basis that can cause stress, such as grading large amounts of work. â€Å"Teachers may experience stress in dealing with large classes, heavy workloads, or old schools that are run down and lack modern amenities† (U.S. Department of Labor, 2009). Throughout most of the day teachers are working with students. Teachers are sometimes isolated from their colleagues because they work alone in a classroom of students† (U.S. Department of Labor, 2009). Like any other career there are many positive and negative aspects to becoming a teacher. One large advantage is all the paid vacation time a teacher has. All the extra time a teacher has allows them to pursue other things. â€Å" During the vacation break, those on the 10-month schedule may teach in the summer sessions, take other jobs, travel or pursue personal interests† (U.S. Department of Labor, 2009). Being a teacher also has its disadvantages, â€Å"One challenge is that there isnt always a clear answer to the questions people face† (Krasna, 2010). In todays society it is becoming more difficult to land a job as a teacher. The credentials to become a teacher becoming more difficult. Although, it is getting more difficult to land a job as a teacher, teaching is a career that will always be needed, regardless of what time period one is in, or where they are located in the world. Schools in the United States and Canada hire new teachers each year. Some opportunities occur because experienced teachers retire or leave to pursue other career paths† (The World Book Encyclopedia, 2011, p. 68). There are many opportunities to increase you position as a teacher. â€Å"Master of education programs typically prepare their recipients to be elementary secondary or special education teachers and can offer courses in teaching methods , curriculum and instruction , classroom management and mathematics† (Krasna, 2010). According to the U.S. Department of Labor (2009) With further preparation, teachers may move into such positions as school librarians, reading specialists, instructional coordinators, and guidance counselors. Teachers may become administrators or supervisors. In some systems, highly qualified experienced teachers can become senior or mentor teachers, with higher pay and additional responsibilities. They guide and assist less experienced teachers while keeping most of their own teaching responsibilities. Being a teacher is an extremely beneficial career, although, it is definitely a career that is harder then it looks. Throughout all the research I have done, I have come to realize this is definitely a career I want to pursue and commit my studies to. There are many benefits to becoming a teacher. Teachers impact many lives and help many people. To attain my goal of one day becoming a successful teacher I will need to earn my degree in teaching. I hope to one day be able to lend the world my knowledge, and be considered a teacher. â€Å"Teaching offers inner rewards; a sense of having contributed to the betterment of humanity, a sense of having made a difference in this ever-changing world† (Morales, 1994, para. 14).

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Womens Roles During Times of War and Virginia Woolfs Three Guineas Es

Women's Roles During Times of War and Virginia Woolf's Three Guineas With the prevalence of war goddesses in most traditions from China to Greece to Ireland, women have been separated from the front lines of war for centuries. The goddesses, the divine representations of women in the ideal, are torn between dual roles: that of Minerva, the goddess of wisdom and just war, and that of Vesta, goddess of hearth and home. These two roles, warrior and mother, are not necessarily as very different as they might appear at first glance. Western tradition claims that women are not made for war, but for household work: sewing, cleaning, cooking, and looking after children. Society told women to carry brooms in lieu of swords; to collect firewood instead of ammunition, and to keep house rather than protect a nation. Yet, for centuries, women have fought their peoples' wars, even if they never lifted a sword or fired a rifle. Yet, in Virginia Woolf's book, Three Guineas, she claims that women do not actively participate in war. She tells the reader, "To fight has always been the man's habit, not the woman's" (Virginia Woolf, 6). She proceeds to explain that women have been set in a world apart from men. According to Woolf, men and women exist in separate worlds, coexisting, but not interacting. Women live outside of the masculine spectrum of official schooling, professions, and, of course, war making. I beg to differ. Women have always interacted with men and live in the same world as their masculine counterparts even when it comes to schooling and professions, but especially when it comes to war. Women have always joined their brothers in the trade of war making and to deny their efforts and victories is to deny a great portion of his... ...ese troubles side by side and together rather than as two separate peoples who happen to exist near to one another. It is as Benjamin Franklin said of the American Revolution: Better that we all hang together for we will surely hang alone. Works Cited: "AAS Online Exhibitions: A Woman's Work is Never Done." Â © 2004. Cited 22 November 2004. "Boston Tea Party: ...drinking to independence." Â © 1996. Cited 22 November 2004. "Female Spies for the Union." Cited 22 November 2004. "Hearts at Home: Spies." Â © 1997. Cited 22 November 2004. "Molly Pitcher (Valley Forge Frequently Asked Questions)." Â © 1998 – 2004. Cited 22 November 2004. "Rose O'Neal Greenhow Papers." Â © May 1996. Cited 22 November 2004. Woolf, Virginia. Three Guineas. Â ©1938, 1966. Harcourt, Inc. Orlando, Florida. Zarro, Alexis. "Women of the American Revolution." Cited 22 November 2004.